As the weather gets hot, the body tends to lose fluids much more quickly since there is heavier sweating to regulate the body temperature. This is how dehydration spikes during hot conditions:

1. Perspiration Increase: For cooling, there is a need for the release of sweat. The sweat is released through the skin and evaporates, taking the heat away; in so doing, it has to use up a large portion of the body's water supply.

2. Increased Respiratory Water Loss: In hot weather, individuals tend to breathe harder and faster, which increases the volume of water lost through respiration.

3. Increased Physical Activity: The warm weather generally increases the outdoor level of activity and exercise, causing more fluid loss through sweating.

4. Less Effective Cooling: When there is scorching and humid weather, sweat does not do its job in effective evaporation, leading to more perspiration to cool off; this causes people to lose even more fluids.


The adverse effects of dehydration on spinal health include:

1. Disc Dehydration: These are the pillow-like substances located between the spine's vertebrae. The intervertebral discs comprise a gel-like substance, which makes around 80% of it water. Dehydration can lead to disc water reduction; thus, it will be low in height and elastic. This way, reduced cushioning capacity is present; thereby, one's backbone is subjected to wear and tear.

2. Increased Risk of Herniation: Due to its stiffness, dehydrated discs are relatively inflexible and very prone to injury. As a result, a disc herniation may occur, during which the disc material is pushed out, pressing into the spinal nerves to result in severe pain and discomfort.

3. Diminished Nutrient Delivery: Proper hydration is necessary for the carriage of nutrients throughout the intervertebral discs and all tissues in the area of the spine. When there is dehydration, this flow of nutrients can be diminished, leading to general ill-health of the spinal structures.

4. Muscle Fatigue and Spasms: The state of dehydration usually finds a person suffering from muscle fatigue and cramping in muscles supporting the spine. This can result in muscle imbalances and, finally in spasms, which could be attributed to poor posture and more stress on the spine.

5. Joint Lubrication: Dehydration decreases the manufacture of synovial fluid that helps lubricate the joints, including those around the spine. Due to such dehydration, the production of the fluid falls and leads to joint stiffness, combined with an increase in friction during movement. This might ultimately result in pain and inflammation.

Staying hydrated is important not just for basic health but also for keeping the spine strong and functioning properly.