The feet are our foundation, energy transmitters, and shock absorbers.
Firstly they set up how our body moves when standing, walking, etc. If your feet are turned out when you walk then the outsides of your legs and hips will be chronically tight. Inversely if your feet are inward then the insides of your legs may be chronically tightened. We receive energy from the earth when we are standing, walking, etc. Our feet transmit this energy to the rest of our bodies. Reflexology is an example of this.
Also, our feet absorb the stress of our bodies walking, standing, etc. The feet are also the muscles groups that help to locomote our bodies.
The calves are essential in locomotion as well. When we push with our toes they are a major factor in our movement forward.
The feet and calves are extensions of one another through movement and their anatomy. The calves and shins are also major factors in the rotation of our whole body. |