Thursday schedule change. New hours.
Finding strengths, accessing resources. Quiet the mind, soothe the body, regulate the nervous systems.
Extended hours Monday-Friday
This powerful chakra resides in the middle of our body and governs many of our organs and glands.
Covid-19 update | Fall schedule | Sacral chakra & pigeon pose | Why use the Backhealer ball?
New videos | Writer opportunity | In-person classes coming soon!
The tensor fasciae latae is a small muscle arising from the iliac bone and inserting into the IT band...
Practicing Pigeon can help the practitioner experience more pleasure, connectivity, and passion.
The Tree Pose is a beginner pose associated with the root chakra and earth.
July 12, 2021 - August 31, 2021
Finding Your Center. Connect with your own source of support. Read more...